Friday, 22 March 2013

the final logo.

So this is it. The final design has changed it colour scheme and i much prefer how it now looks.  I have changed it from just plain blue to a black and gold contrast that is sure to catch the eyes of the audience. furthermore the gold in the logo represent that the production company produce on the best films that they can make with the best meaning.

asking the class their thoughts.

when i was creating my log asking the class and other people what they thought of the logo was very important to me as it wouldn't be me that would be looking at the logo it would be the audience.  With this in mind i ask a number of people what number logo i should use and why.  6 out of the ten said i should have used number 1 and the rest of the people split between 2 and 3.  Although this helped me to choose; i wanted to know why they wanted number one as the logo.  After gathering the answers why they wanted that one, the majority of them said that it was different and memorable.  it was flowing well but also had a mix between thin lines and blocks of colour but i do need to change the colour.

finals design choice

this image above is the choices for my production company logo.  i have chosen to use these designs as i like the simplistic features of the logo.  On the other hand once i have chosen a design i am going to change the color scheme of it so that it tell the audience more about the company and is more of a representation of what the company prides itself on.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

cutting the logos down

after thinking about which logo i think is the best amd wpild look the best after being profesionally made; i think that they all have certain qualitys about each and everyone.

After much consideration i have chosen to go for the design of number 3.  Although this is the case i still think that i can change the logo slightly to improve its look.

the rough logo designs

these are my fist designs for my logo.  i have gone with the simplistic aspect as that is a one of my specifications when looking at the new compnay and the new logo.  as you can see it is based round my intials; J and P.  with the the fact it is a production company aswell that also needs to be incorparated.

the logo research

logos for a business is very important for recognistion and representation of the brand.  It is also very importnat so that they can advertise to world there brand and products so that the public are talking about the company.  I have selelcted a few of world famous logos to have a look at so that i can get an idea of how a brand is affective with catching the audiences eye and staying in mind.

initial production company name and logo

I have decided to use my own production as a way of producing my film. This decision was made based on the fact that the majority of the production companies out there today do not have the same targets as i do. I want to create a film with a meaning and not just to make money.

With this in mind; creating the production company from scratch is obviously a huge task and is going to take a long time to get up to standard of the other professionals but a name and a logo for the it i think is a pretty good place to start.

Simplicity is a big thing for me so a name and logo that revolves around a simplistic design and name is the best thing for me. After all this is a representation of what my company will create... simple films with big meanings.

new tasks

at this point in my blog i have seccured the basis of my film and i have also got a good idea of what i am trying to create in my production.  on the other hand i still have a lot more to do as final details on my blog are concerned such as;
-the casting of my film 
-production company logo and name
-film title
these are just a few things that i need to focus on in the next week and i would be very pleased to have them finished by the end of this week.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


location for a film is also as important as the story line. can you imagine if your film was set on a family that wanted to move from the city so they moved to new york! just would not work would it. So seeing that my main character is as far out of the public eye as possible.  i believe that i have found the perfect location from an arial view anyway.  it is out of the way and only a few shops and other building to be associated with.  furthermore it also has the stereotypical texas horror film look to it with the thick woods near by and large empty landscape. Perfect.

character costumes


production props by jackpilditch on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

Friday, 15 March 2013

the main characters actor

the main actor has to fit the characters specifications. my main characters name is author lloyd and he is a very fragile and aged character.  looking rough he has appeared to forget about his physical apperance with his rough beard growing or and his hair getting long, he is not the trimmed young athlete is clearly used to be.

a rugged looking actor such as Ray Winstone is ideal for the job as he is fairly aged but can also play a variety of rolls in the film industry. ranging from comedy to the very serious and controversial action film, The Sweeney.

blog feedback 13/2/2013

i have received my first feedback on my coursework.

-in all my post there was a lot of detail and specific information
-some good use of creativity such as  go-animate
-good  choice of information chosen to comment on. for example the actors opinion.

-Need more post
-dont rely on the programs like go-animate and prezi try to use different ways of presenting
-work at a faster pace and do more research on other films

With this feedback in mind it has really helped me to be able to think about how i can improve my blog and get a higher grade.  For example getting more post on to my blog is very import if i want to get a higher grade due to expressing and researching more is very important.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Audience Research

audience research is very important thing for a film as by altering a film towards or away from a specific age group, gender or race could have huge affects on the amount of people going to see the film and having opinions on the film.  this also appeals to the type of genre that the film has. for example and action film such as die hard would have a huge target audience of middle aged men due to the way the film is set out and what it is based on.  furthermore they would not expect and 17 year old girl to go and watch the film as stereotypically they are not interested in fast car chases and huge explosions.

action audience

the action genre has a large target audience as boys from the age of around 16 like to watch the explosions and destruction of building built in with car chases creates a film that a male audience can not resist to watch.  although this is the case the genre has a hard time creating new idea to excite the audience rather than just showing the same story line to a film which would kill of the genre due to it becoming boring to watch and predictable.  In the films there are always certain characters such as; the  hero, the vilan, the sexy actress and usually it is set in down town USA.

Comedy Drama

comedy drama has probably the largest target auience as they use humour to entice the audience and make them want to watch more of the film. with this in mind there is also a lot more ideas that production companies can go with with regards to the story line of the film.  For example a simple domestic situation in everyday life or they could go as far out as an extraterrestrial coming to earth from outer space and creating a funny scenario.  the target audience of a comedy film is very varied in line with the actual nature of the film.  For example a film like the imbertweeners is aimed at a very young audience with the age bracket of around about 17 as it has a very immature scenario narrative.


Horror and thriller films have a very specific audience with regards to what age group of people got to watch this genre of film.  Usually the young audience are more interested in going to watch the films as they are looking for the excitement and thrill of the cinema, where as a older audience may not enjoy the narrative of the film and may find it very repetitive and obvious how the film is going to pan out.

in conclusion to this i believe that my film will cover the majority of genres apart from the comedy aspect of film as it is a production about redemption of past and how a ex-vigulanty feels about how his past is now affecting his life and what he has lost.  I am aiming to create this film with deep meaning of you don't know what you have until you have lost it and this is what you ill see in the film.

Monday, 4 March 2013

production context- choosing the production company 2

warner bros is my seconds choice of t film production company for my own film.  i have chosen this as one of my options as it has some great experience in the film industry.  as it was found; April 23 1923 they have made a huge amount of films that have been extreme successful and have got them to where they are today.  Just like my another one of my production company choices (big talk production); warner started out as a small but truth filled company that produced what thy believe not only would make a profit but also something that they enjoyed.  As the four brothers who's created the company grew in the company more and more investors where interested in the company.  To this date they have made about 12 billion dollars in revenue.  This is of course a massive amount of money that they have to play with in created big blockbuster films for the worlds film industry.  From the majority, Polish background of the company they added a new competator to the world film industry.  with them coming in to the worlds public eye this also gave them a chance to create bigger and better films as they was getting more and more publicity from the audiences.  Furthermore with this in mind, with more publicity created by the main film media industrys such as the british film and also hollywood; thismade it a lot easier to distribute the films that they have created.

from the begining warner bros has always looked promising to become a huge success due to wide variety of films that they have created.  they create films of all different genres which help to widen their audience for all different ages and genders.

although they have got a lot of experience in the industry and are extremely good at what they do when creating films, they are not quiet what i am looking for to create my film.  this is because i want a independent film company that has more of a meaning to their films rather than just to get the company logo in lights and in the public eye.  in my opinion this would be a main thing for warner just to get in the spotlight and to have another success out of a film rather than express a point of opinion.